Information about organization

Korea/Military Armistice Commission
Korea/Militärische Waffenstillstandskommission (1953...)
Korea/Military Armistice Commission (1953...)
Corée/Commission militaire d'armistice (1953...)
Corea/Commissione armistiziale militare (1953...)
MAC (1953...)

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Relations to other organizations (1)
Neutral Nations Supervisory Commissionreports to Korea/Military Armistice Commission

Written documents (1 records found)
27.7.195360000pdfTreatyKorean War (1950–1953) The undersigned of the United Nations Command and the Korean People's Army as well as the Chinese People's Volunteers, in the interest of stopping the Korean conflict, with its great toll of suffering...

Received documents (3 records found)
4.5.195466918pdfLetterNeutral Nations Supervisory Commission (NNSC) The Swiss and Swedish NNSC delegations describe the accusations made by the Polish and Czechoslovak delegations against UNMAC concerning violations of the armistice agreement in Korea as a distortion...
7.5.195466809pdfLetterNeutral Nations Supervisory Commission (NNSC) The Chinese-Korean side has applied different procedures than the United Nations Command in regards to reporting combat material. The Swedish and Swiss members of the NNSC has maintained that the...
3.5.195566881pdfLetterNeutral Nations Supervisory Commission (NNSC) The NNSC is proposing to reduce the number of ports of entry to North Korea and South Korea where the NNITs would be stationed from five to three, and that the six remaining fixed teams would be made...

Mentioned in the documents (107 records found)
28.5.195266524pdfMemorandum (aide-mémoire)Neutral Nations Supervisory Commission (NNSC) The «impartial» powers concerned submitted a memorandum to the USA requesting various clarifications on a number of provisions included in the draft armistice agreement in Corea of 28 April and...
8.12.195266522pdfLetterNeutral Nations Supervisory Commission (NNSC) Il semble important de souligner la distinction entre le mode de désignation des États neutres pour la surveillance de l'armistice en Corée d'une part, et leur mission d'autre part. La Suisse ne...
31.3.195366715pdfOtherNeutral Nations Supervisory Commission (NNSC) Merkblatt für die schweizerischen Angehörigen der neutralen Überwachungskommission für den Waffenstillstandsvertrag in Korea (NNSC) zu Fragen der Organisation und den Aufgaben, der Entlöhnung, der...
14.4.195366771pdfMemorandum (aide-mémoire)Neutral Nations Supervisory Commission (NNSC) The Federal Council has notes on the drafts of the Armistice Agreement pertaining to the status and duties of the NNSC, in particular concerning neutrality as well as the needed clarification of the...
20.5.195366873pdfNoteUnited States of America (USA) (General) While the USA agrees that the Swiss interpretation of Paragraphs 13c and 13d of the Armistice Agreement of Panmunjom is literally correct, the State Department calls for a «reasonable» interpretation.
17.6.195366136pdfMinutesNeutral Nations Supervisory Commission (NNSC) Die APK nimmt einen Bericht des Vorstehers des EPD, Bundesrat Petitpierre, über die Aufgaben, die der Schweiz in Korea als Mitglied der NNSC bevorstehen sowie Verhandlungen mit der chinesischen und...
27.7.195360000pdfTreatyKorean War (1950–1953) The undersigned of the United Nations Command and the Korean People's Army as well as the Chinese People's Volunteers, in the interest of stopping the Korean conflict, with its great toll of suffering...
27.7.195366635pdfLetterNeutral Nations Supervisory Commission (NNSC) Da sich gleich bei den ersten Kontakten im Rahmen Vorbereitungen der Arbeiten der NNSC gezeigt hat, dass die schweizerischen Offiziere aufgrund ihres niedrigen militärischen Grades stark benachteiligt...
31.7.195366719pdfMemoNeutral Nations Supervisory Commission (NNSC) Vorbesprechung zwischen den Chefs schweizerischen und der schwedischen NNSC-Delegation im Hinblick auf die erste formelle Sitzung der Kommission in Panmunjom.
3.8.195366150pdfLetterNeutral Nations Supervisory Commission (NNSC) Das erste Detachement der schweizerischen NNSC-Delegation ist am 29.7.1953 in Korea eingetroffen und hat sogleich begonnen, sich mit den lokalen Verhältnissen vertraut zu machen und die notwendigen...